
I wish someone was out there,
Watching me glare.
Then they would see my pain,
Then they would see through my smile and know it's all just a game.
How can I go on?
Everything I do just seems so wrong!
Each morning as the sun rises I mone,
Not yet ready to get out of my comfort zone.
Love is gone,
Yet some now I have to move on.
Barly holding on to hope,
Not knowing how to cope.
Friends have moved out,
They think I'm fine with out a doubt.
as the days roll by I'll just sit here and wait,
And they'll go on yet another date.
Loneliness is closing in,
How can I get up and start again?
Why should I even try?
Would it not be better just to die?
Trying to be hot,
The mior telling me I'm not.
Struggling to learn,
But my head just starts to burn.
Now I understand that the mess I see,
Is not everyone else, it's me.
I'll grab a hand,
Slowly stepping to ferm dry land.
The raging waters behind,
No longer mine.
It's in someone else's care,
No longer mine to bear.
Hope will come,
Perhaps even with the morning song.
I see a flicker of light,
of streanth, power, and might.
I soak up the morning rays,
Longing to do so for the rest of my days.
Take a deep breath,
No, now is NOT the time for death.


Paula said…
And you say you're not a writer . . .

Good work, Sarah. You expressed yourself very well. I'll try not to get all mushy over you. I know you hate that. But I'm praying for you during this time and I love you a LOT. I know God has plans for every area of your life and in time He will reveal His plan for this area, too.

Run around with the girls. Enjoy working out at the gym. Hang with those who love ya. You're doing good.
Sarah said…
thanks mommy I love you
*Whitney* said…
Yeah Sarah that was great!!
I think you expressed allot of things teenagers go through.... even the ones who pretend to be perfect.
Your Beautiful!
Luv Ya,
Sarah said…
THanks :) ya I have written more but idk when I will post them... if ever... lol
your awesome!

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