ok so I'm just showing ya'll that I bleached my hair!!!!! I can dye the bottom different colors too!! lol so far I have only done pink... but I think it's pretty awesome!!!!!
( can you tell that I just figered out how to put up pictures?!?!?!) lol SEE CHRISTANS CAN BE WEIRD TOO!!! lol wow
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*Whitney* said…
Looks great!
Yuppers I'm growin' out my dyed hair so that I can dye something other tham Blonde lol.
Yup my dad said I can do black when I'm 16 Yay! can't wait!
Sarah said…
lol thanks!

NICE!!!!! that's awesome!!! when will u be 16?
*Whitney* said…
Um well lets see I'll be 15 in less than 4 months then I have a year so all in all.
1 year 4 months.
Sarah said…
lol that's awesome :) I bet u can't wate!!
you people are getting to old!!!
*Whitney* said…
What Ever!!!
Your older!!!
HaHa I still remember when I first met ya, I thought you and Bethany were crazy I thought That I'd never be friends with you LOL and now look.... Wow FACE makes people odd LOL.
Sarah said…
lol oh gee thanks! :P well thanks... I love being crAZzzzy! lol and I think we carupted you well ;) lol LOVE YA!
White Guy said…
haha cute loving the face?
Sarah said…
lol thanks! I like it!

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