So my family is up in the mountians for a week. We got a really cool condo with 2 beadrooms and bathrooms, ya I got stuck on the couch... lol oh well I dont' really care! it's really nice with 3 TV/dvd/vcr players, indoor/outdoor pool, game room, library, and free movie rentals! I have been to many condos in my life because of the timeshare thing..... but I think I like this one the best so far! It was really cool because when we got it we wern't expecting anything to nice, we new it had a cool swimming pool but that's about it! When we got there I just felt so cool! like a huge weight from the last few weeks was lifed off me. I smiled again, ate again, and even volanteered to clean the kitchen!!!! lol

It was just a little present from God I think. He knows just when we don't feel like we are going to make it any further and then he puts his arms around us and gives us a present... kinda like Santa Clause! lol

Well my time on the computer is running out so I better wrap this one up! I miss you all!!!!


*Whitney* said…
WhoooHoooo its my fisrt time on your BLOG!!! Anyways sounds like ya had fun and keep writing cuz I love bolgs =)
Sarah said…
Thanks! I love bloging so we're good!!

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