it's not all about me? LAME! lol jk

1 chorenhians 10:31
What ever you do, do it for the glory of GOD.

I put this verse up on my mirror in the bath room so I can read it every morning. I have to be reminded all day every day that it's not about me it's about God, and it being about God means it's about the people around us. Today I reallllllly wanted to sleep in and NOT GO TO CHURCH, while I know God would still love me I went anyways and now I'm so glad I did. Our paster used a quote that said,
"Live fully, Love wastefully." (sarah isn't smart enough to rember who said it.)

When we put these two thoughts together we can truly learn to live like Christ and live the life that Christians are supposed to.

I wrote a persuasive speech this year that is on a really hard issue for a lot of conservitive Christans to agree with. I have felt ever since summer that I was supossed to write it and give it at these tournoments. It's really hard for me because I'm really competitive.... that's just who I am! lol but I have known that I will not win with it. I'm giving it anyways.

So right after breaks (seeing who goes to the next level) I was totally happy, 2 of my speeches did really good! but once again not my persuasive. One of my friends asked me if that speech had broken, and when I told him no, he said that he was sorry and asked me what it was on and things like that. When I told him he looked at me and said, "well even if you never win anything you can do it for the LORD."

Man that one sentence made my day! I felt like it was doing no good and that I wouldn't take it to regionals and everyone that needed tohear it wouldn't. But when he said that I just had to stop and think, this is for God and he will do what he wants with it. (thanks jon!)

Today at church our paster talked about how when in the bible the woman put all her prefume on Jesus when he was all dirty, how that smell must have gone further than just Jesus. It was all she had, it was strong enough to wander out to the whole room, the house, and probally even out side of the house.

I heard that and thought that we should be like the woman and give Jesus our all then maybe our sent will reach further than we expect. But see that's not because of us it's because of God :)

(just so you all know at this last tourny I got 15 or 16 (not sure they said 2 different things) in both Duo and OI :) and had an awesome time with my friends!!!!!)


Unknown said…
I totally agree! Not that we do it to impress someone or beat someone. But to Glorify God!!!
Anonymous said…
Sarah... you rock,
I love your blog! It's really encouraging!! :)
Sarah said…
THanks guys!!!! I love you both!!!
Kiki Marie said…
you have a knack for using god's word to help others!
Unknown said…
Sarah I am sure you can break at this tourny! :) Ill have too see it but yah :)
Anonymous said…
You're an amazing writer. And if you didn't know this then I'm sure your mom reminds you often. And the NCFCA really boils down to crowd pleasers. If you don't write a crowd pleaser then you don't win. So I really appreciate the fact that you are willing to get out there and just write what's on your heart, even if it means you wont necessarily do all that well. You are an amazing christian girl and you and God have a special relationship. Don't let not doing well or the possibility of not doing well influence who you are, or what you write! Let it be what's on your heart and what gives God glory!
Sarah said…
Wow caleb thanks pall! That ment a lot! I don't think I could do stuff like that with out my friends like you!

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