Learning to Love Life

Every star in the sky...
is special.
Every cloud against the blue...
is unique.

Opening eyes to life.

Every blade of grass...
is creative.
Every flower on the path...
is paint.

Learning to find the gifts in life.

Every bright color...
is vibrant.
Every small sound...
is astonishing.

Learning to listen to life.

Every wisp of breeze...
is restful.
Every ray of sun...
is exhilarating.

Learning to drink in life.

Every friends hug...
is healing.
Every stupid joke...
is refreshing.

Learning to live in the arms of life.

Every new and old tear...
is significant.
Every cool rain drop...
is cleansing.

Learning to let go of life.

Every cute shoe...
is exciting.
Every free gift...
is fulfilling.

Learning to accept life.

Every dance in the sunny rain...
is eliminating.
Every helping hand...
is promising.

Learning to BE life!


Overflow said…
Hello again my Darling,

Wow. Just wow. Sounds like you're starting to use your senses again. Not the kind of "common/mind sense," but you're starting to feel more! Loosing that sense of numbness that helps people get through hard times just because it's easier to deal with than the emotional roller coaster. Learning to take it all in, and take nothing for granted...you're so strong. Simply blowing me away by how amazing you are! It never fails. Let it all seep in, I bet it feels great! :)
Ashley said…
Sarah! I love your poem, a lot. Sometimes the littlest things can mean so much. (Especially wearing cute shoes on a bad day. There is a reason that is my motto for life. ;-)) Learn to appreciate each and every piece of God's creation. There is so much beauty and originality, and that is something that I know you love to find and observe. You mean so much to me and I love seeing you happy over the what some would call the silliest things. But that doesn't matter right? I see your appreciation as a manifestation of the love and joy God has placed in your heart. You are very special that way and I love it. :-) I love you darling!
Sarah said…
you guys are both so amazing!!! Happy days are good... ANGELA SAYS HI! lol
and Ash I was totally thinking of you when I did the shoes thing! lol
I don't know hwat I would do with out you guys!

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