My Life is Like the Flowers on My Dashboard

My Life is like the flowers on my dashboard.
So young and full of color,
Yet color slowly slips away.

My Life is like the flowers on my dashboard.
Vibrant and full of meaning,
With life slowly draining.

My Life is like the flowers on my dashboard.
Almost feeling the breath that refreshment would bring,
Yet like the flower unable to touch past the glass that separates.

My Life is like the flowers on my dashboard.
Once holding the sweet scent,
Now reeking for all to smell.

My Life is like the flowers on my dashboard.
Droplets of healing just inches away,
Unable to break the bubble of separation.

My Life is like the flowers on my dashboard.
Life saving refreshment in view,
Yet unable to quench the thirst.

My Life is like the flowers on my dashboard.
Once in a huge field,
Now unable to belong.

My Life is like the flowers on my dashboard.
Before, Soft and beautiful,
Now crumbling at their feet.

My Life is like the flowers on my dashboard.
Once cherished,
Now begging to be tossed out of the way.

My Life is like the flowers on my dashboard.
Seemingly Pale and Dead,
Somehow still a beautiful work of art.


Overflow said…
Wow Sarah,

Such a unique poem. I've been thinking of something lately that I think relates. We couldn't appreciate or grasp anything beautiful in this world easily without something less beautiful to put it in the spotlight and make it pop for our eyes to look at. Even if the beauty is subtle...or wouldn't be as beautiful without something contrasting to it to make us notice it...and this poem was beautiful, you're beautiful. I love you. :)
Kiki Marie said…
hey you,
life is like that completely something starts out so wonderful but then it slowly dies. makes me wonder though, why you bother to hate and be mean in this life? you know it is just a moment before we all die and what then? i have been reading a book and it is making me think about why we do stupid stuff, you know? like take me for instance hurting inside and not sharing it. almost killing myself over something that i had no control over. hating my life because i thought no one cared. you know what though? healing comes through the pain in our lives. the dread of the next day is what wakes us up in the night to pray. reading God's word cause nothing else will cut the pain. driving by the same model of car that belonged to someone who has hurt you and saying God help me forive them. always know that one day you will be able to feel again. i love you amd know what you are going through. lets talk some time k?
Kiki Marie said…
btw we still have a rain check on a sleepover. you know we should do that during Christmas break. i will email or call soon.

remember our deal too. never again say why me? okay???

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