Trusting people!

How can you prove to some one that you mean what you say? You can say the same thing over and over bit they still might not listen to you. Benjermen Franklin has a simple answer. He said, "People may doubt what you say, but they will alway believe what you do." What Mr. Fanklen is saying is that to fain someones trust you have to show them, not jsut tell them. I can promise my mom that I'll clean my room but, that promise means nothing until I actually do it .......oops! lol

We can also apply this to our lives as Christians. In order to get people to listen to us we have to show them what we are different. If we say we are different because of Christ then go get drunk, our actions will speak louder than words.

So next time you say you will do something, DO IT! ( yes I need to clean my room). Next time you say you are different, PROVE IT! If you do this, over time more and more people will trust you more and more and let me tell ya, having people trust you is a great feeling :)


*Whitney* said…
Sarah i have Always trusted you! You are like one of the only people i will tell anything and everything to! you just give off the feeling of trust and you haven't proved me wong yet! i luv u!
Kiki Marie said…
trust is something you earn. you do not grow up with it in your hand you do not wake up one morning and someone automatically says i trust you. you have to work at it. well i trust you. and love you more than you know.
Sarah said…
you are both so amazing!! thanks soo much!!!
Kiki Marie said…
why that is what i am 4, no? to make sarah's life better?
Sarah said…
lol well if it is then your doing a good job!

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