

I don’t understand,

Why duct tape fixes everything,

Why chicken soup always makes you feel better.

Why chocolate makes you fat.

Most of all I don’t understand,

Why people can’t forgive.

Grudges are held,

Hate is heated,

Light goes to black,

Friends to enemies,

Instruments fade away and voices get louder.

What I understand the most is,

When we forgive,

Grudges are let go,

Hate cools,

Sun comes back,

Enemies become friends,

What I hear is music to my ears.


Kiki Marie said…
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Kiki Marie said…
i love you tons and hope you all the best Christmas and happiest new year!
Kiki Marie said…
do you like my eye?
it is not mine but i thought that it was cute! i will not see Kevin till summer!
*sniff* *balling my head off* :*(
Kiki Marie said…
oh by the way i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u r amazing!
Sarah said…
LOL YOU MAKE ME lAUGH!!! and yes the eye is amazing
Kiki Marie said…
you should go to the depressed post!!!!! go into comments read mine and reply! not that hard! unless you have to much on your mind and need to laugh. *spitting out lauhgter* no joke i am spitting! okay did you laugh? um well, laugh. i command it. i am in charge hear and if you do not i will be forced to take a drive to your house and waste gas just to tickle you pink!!!!! ha! do not doubt me either i am the best tickler that has ever been. according to shawn at lease. i command it!!!

LAUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now. end of discussion. DO IT!!! i am driving over there right now and making you!!! oh wait one prob i do not know where you live. oh well!! i will cyber-tickle you then. *tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle* laughing yet. i think you need some more. *tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle* ha now you have to laugh! ha!

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