
"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "They are plans for good and not disaster. to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

How many times have you heard this verse? Like 5 billllion! Ya I'm thinking so. But it really hasn't set in for me what it means, UNTIL I got asked if I wanted a college application.... I was like "what? uh? I'm not old enough for this! I'm just a kid!" Ya well as much as I wish that to be true sometimes....


I just turned 16, I can drive, have a car, go do what ever, and I'm like totally stoked! Then I start thinking that I'm going to have to do what I was saying I would do when I could drive... I have to find a job. Fun. It shouldn't be to bad, kinda nice to have something to do in the summer.. besides sports. So ya, I can grow up I can get a job and pay for my own stuff. OK cool I can deal with that.


Wow that one hit me. I mean I have known what I want to do with my "college life" and I truly can't wait to start..... but OMG! I have to keep my grades good now!?! lol So I'm like totally like wow I'm becoming an adult and that is totally cool! It's just a little scary not knowing if you are doing the right thing for you.... and.... doing what God wants you to do. Then at church camp (ya sorry I know I don't stop talking about it but it was really amaZing ok! lol ) they used the verse that I have up there and it's just like wow ok I don't need to stress about all this so much anymore. GOD has it under control. I have a power issue with God some times but let me tell ya what, it is soooo nice to have that kinda weight lifted off of you. I know it sounds totally weird but try reading this verse like 20 times and then tell God to do what he wants with your life and to direct you. Guys this is amaZing! Life is so much easer when you don't have to take care of everything!



wowitspink♥ said…
amen sister! i know exactly where ur coming from, and let me tell you, with this year being my last, it really gets you..... yeah..... its thrilling if you ask me, knowing that God will help take care of your life and you...
Sarah said…
AMEN! Ya that's just a little weird sometimes I would have to say!
(this is Rachael right?)lol
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I kinda know how you feel Sarah, it hasn't quite hit me yet... but I can feel it coming. Remember, God, your friends, and family are here for ya, whether you're a kid or a young lady. :)
White Guy said…
exatly what josh said you have god and your friends and your family who are gonna be with ya all the way sarah! if your confused you can always turn to us
Sarah said…
You guys are awesome! I'll rember that! And you guys don't forget I'm always here for you too!!!!!

God has really blessed me with awesome friends!
wowitspink♥ said…
yes this is rachel
if ever u see that name, its most likely
Sarah said…
OK! lol I sure thought so,,,, but just thought I'd ask! lol LOVE YOU!

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