10 things most people don't know about me! (stuppid and random mostly)

1~ I love hanging out with my moms friends!

2~ When I was little and the Summer Olympics came on I would go to my room and close the door and try to do back flips! ( it's a wonder I'm still alive!)

3~ I think there should be full contact football for girls!

4~ One of my favorite songs is Amazing Grace

5~ I think my favorite color to paint my nails is BLACK!

6~ I love little kids so much that I considered starting a day care when I got older

7~ I get REALLY shy around a bunch of new people when I don't have friends with me ( I JUST found this one out at camp! lol)

8~ My brothers and I really do love each other even though we pretty much kill each other when we are around other people!

9~ One of my favorite books when I was little was The Velveteen Rabbit

10~ I REALLY should be in bed right now! lol But I love my friends! And Jesus loves me! (wow talk about RANDOM!)


Paula said…
I like hanging out with your friends, too. LOL
Sarah said…
Love you too mom! :P
Niki said…
Love the blog Sarah! Blogging is sort of like group therapy...the feedback is great! lol

Love the name too! There's no doubt that you will change the world 4 HIM!

I also love that I'm one of "your Mom's friends" you like to hang out with! ;)

Guess I'm in a "love" sort of mood today! Keep blogging girl!
Sarah said…
Thanks! that's what I plan to do! If all I do is change the world for him before I die! I'm good! lol

Yes you are defiantly one of those thanks for making time to hang with me! lol I love it!
LOL I'm just going to ASSUME that I'm one of your mom's friends that you like to hang out with. :o)
Sarah said…
Well... let me think about thatsince it's after my b-day I don't REALLY have to be nice to you... lol

DUH!!!! your awesome heather!!!! lol
Unknown said…
You have a mom, wow. I have never met any of your family =P

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