Holding onto Hope

I was a high school freshman,  at a week-long camp. The theme of the week was hope. Someone got creative with a break out session and it changed my life. 

We walked into a dark room, our hands were zip tied in front of us, and we were forced to sit in silence. We then heard a story about a hopeless situation and how Jesus brought hope into it. Again, they left us in a dark room in silence. They had a pair of scissors up front and told us that when we were ready to let go of all the fear, anger, and sadness that we were carrying and hold on to the hope we have in Jesus, then we could come and cut off our bonds.

We all sat in stunned silence, then the tears started to flow. Girls and boys, freshman and seniors... we all broke down. We were all carrying something. Living in darkness and feeling trapped. One by one we started to get up and cut off our bonds and step outside into the light. Some jumped at the chance to be freed, others refused. They weren't ready. God was still working with them. 

I so vividly remember the moment I had to make the choice to step up to the front and allow my bonds to be cut and step out in the light. Have I ever struggled with depression since then? Yes. Have I still struggled with an eating disorder? Yep. Have I still found myself completely hopeless at times? Of course. BUT... I always come back to that moment and the choice I made to move, put one foot in front of the other and with Jesus' help walk into the light. 

This is why HOPE is one of the words I got tattooed on my arm, to remind me that no matter how dark things look I put one step in front of the other and hold onto Jesus because he brings me into the light. He gives me hope.

What area of your life do you need to choose to hold onto the hope of Jesus?


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