Journal #10

PROMPT: For your final journal of the semester, you need to write between 100 and 300 words on the top three things you want to carry forward with you that you learned in this class this semester. This journal is shorter than usual - and this is on purpose. The point here is to really boil down three things to carry forward in your life as you move on from this space of weekly self-reflection and journaling.

If I don’t intentionally structure this, I know I will go on and on and on. So here we go!

1. Simply being more aware of my Intrapersonal Communication. There are many things in this class that I want to apply to my life, but if I don’t know what’s going on inside I won’t be able to effectively apply them. My hope is to notice in the moment how I’m communicating with myself and others, but also to make intentional time for internal reflection.

2. Continue to push into a growth-mindset. One of the most liberating things I am taking away from this class is the KNOWLEDGE, not just the HOPE, that I can grow and change for the better. Whether it’s learning a new language, being more kind to myself, or building lasting relationships, I now KNOW that I can grow. This somehow takes the pressure off, removes fear of failure, and helps me let go of trying so hard.

3. Parenting. We don’t have kids yet, but I hope that by the time we do, that I will have worked on myself enough so that I can help shape them into the best version of themselves. I know that I will fail as a parent on a daily basis, but my hope is that my response to that failure (because of what I have learned in this class) gives the kids the understanding that perfection isn’t an option, only growth.


Sarah said…
Good journal Sarah - Have a great summer!

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