IntrApersonal Communication

I've been doing a lot of work on myself lately. I've been in counseling for over 2 years, through a weekend that was designed to shift my individual reality, have started taking medication for anxiety and am now a part of a Soul Group with other women trying to figure themselves out. Now one of the required classes for my degree is an IntrApersonal Communications class... a class on how we communicate with ourselves.

It's been a long time since I have blogged consistently, but this class requires a journal entry type of refection every week and I thought that this would be a good opportunity to allow you (whoever you are reading this) back into the inner-workings of my life. So for the next 10 weeks I plan to post my processing and ramblings here each week. I'm also in the process of moving...again (but this time we bought our house!) so you might also get some random poems or notes I find through the moving process. My hope is that I walk this journey someone out there will be able to read these posts and relate and somehow feel less alone in that.

So here it goes!


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