Anita... A Smile

Two worlds,
You and me.
Feet apart,
Yet the distance grows.

Old blankets,
Stale popcorn,
Bird friends,
Pen and paper.

New camera,
Fresh coffee,
Loving community,
Pen and paper.

A Smile.
The distance srinks.

Ciggarette in hand,
Torn scarff,
Worn shirt,
Watching the world.

Cell phone in hand,
Painted nails,
New jacket,
Watching the world.

A smile.
The distance shrinks.

What makes us so different?
Shoes on our feet?
Clothes on our back?
The place we sleep?

This isn't WHO we are,
Only what people SEE.

We all ezperiance life,
Good and bad.
Our own set of struggles,
One not making us better.

This is who we are.

Free spirits,
Surching for direction.
Longing for love.

A smile.
The distance shrinks.

Eyes surching,
For new adventure.
Body longging,
To be free.

Piggions eating popcorn,
Not caring who's side their on.
Yours or mine,
It's all the same.

Living life together.

When I went to see my man in Cali I was wandering around San Diago while David was at work. I came across Anita and sat down yards away form her and wrote this poem. I ended up going over and giving her the cookies that my mommy had saved for me :) We talked for about 2 hours! She has a story that most of us can't even dream up. But she also has a faith unlike most people :) If you could all pray for her bipoler husband that would be amazing :)

Next time you see someone that is in a different place in life than you... Remember they are a person and have a life, dreams, fears, and questions just like you :)

Comments said…
Are you write this poem??This poem sound so sad and you write so good.Let me feel that a girl is still living in her memory,but you must get activity again..
Paula said…
Beautiful Sarah. I love how you respect everyone in their own space, including this very special woman you met who happens to be homeless.
David said…
Took me a while to read this one :P but I love it! The dichotomy and the devices you use to blur that are beautiful...and I love the flow of this part

"What makes us so different?
Shoes on our feet?
Clothes on our back?
The place we sleep?

This isn't WHO we are,
Only what people SEE."

Great job darling ;)
Sarah said…
Thanks guys :)

David I'm glad you approve ;)
Thank you!!!!!
Sarah said…
Thanks guys :)

David I'm glad you approve ;)
Thank you!!!!!

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