
Every Sunday night after the collage group at church we head across the street to Wendy's for some snacks. These nights are good nights of "interesting" jokes, thoughtful questions, mostly just lots of laughs. But, a few weeks ago it was very different.

I went outside for a min to call my boyfriend (David... yes, he is incredible), When I came back in to one of my friend explaining cutting and the reasons and emotions behind it to others at the table... everyone was dumbfounded. We kept talking and each ended up talking about both past and present struggles we have had... Cutting, alcohol, porn, depression, hate, eating disorders, and other things. For some it wasn't the first time for us to share in a trusting group of friends... for others they had never experianced the non-judgemental, trust, honesty, and love that was there that night. It was very amazing to see hearts open up that had been sealed for so long :) Amazing how God works.

As we were sitting there one of the guys spaced out for a good long while. He does this sometimes.... But when it came time for us to ask him if he had anything to add he had no idea what we were talking about. We filled him in quickly and he sat quiet for a min then steped outside with one of the other guys. The guy he was with came inside asking us if we would pray for our friend.

He was outside experiancing each of our struggles... the desire to cut, feeling of depression, stomic aches, ect. Some people are very sinsitive to the emotions around them and tend to take on the emotions as their own. I've experianced this sevrel times, it's something you have to be able to give to God and pray and let go... not easy. lol

We sat down right there in Wendy's held hands and prayed... We prayed hard. We prayed against the emotions he was taking on, we prayed for protection, we prayed for eachother and strenth for all of us. I would love to know what the people in Wendy's were thinking. lol We prayed for a good 30 min at least.

Once we were done I went out to check on the guy... He was doing better, not amazing but better. I sat talking to him for a few min when our other friend came out. As we were talking I was distracted by something about 5 feet away from where my friend had been sitting for the past 30 min while we prayed for him inside.

I intrupted my friend mid sitance with "Is that a snake?! Can you check? I don't want to."

Sure enough it was a snake (A small black one, gardener probably). We through a rock at it and it was frozen...

This snake was dead, frozen, in the striking position, yes with it's head off the ground and body coiled, about five feet away aimed right at my friend. Wow.

A snake? In the middle of November? In Boulder? In a Wendy's parking lot? Dead with it's head held off the ground? WHAT?

God decided to give a visual for what prayer can do.

It can freeze the enemy.

It can stop him.

It can protect.

Pretty amazing to think about :)

This was totally a God thing!


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