Broken Shards

Holding a bag,
Carrying my shattered heart.
Tied tight,
Securely hidden.

Only ones with eyes,
See the lump concealed by my breast.
A chance,
To see ME.

Late in the dark,
Peaking into the bag.
Mourning the broken shards,
That used to be my heart.

Tall, big, scary, man,
Walking slowly into the light.
Staring at me,
Reaching to me.

I turn and run,
Fast not far.
Fear grips me,
I've dropped the bag.

My heart,
Gone forever.
In the hands,
Of a stranger.

I stop and turn,
Terrified at what I'll see.
Horror and shock,
Grip my every being.

He sits down,
Gently picking up the pieces.
Pulling from his pocket,
A needle and golden thread.

Stitching with care,
Even the smallest shards back together.
Standing he hands me my heart,
Whole and beautiful.

Eyes so kind, forgiving, loving,
The eyes of my Maker.
Held in the arms of my Savior,
Peace at last.


Overflow said…
I could see it. The vivid story this poems tells. I could feel the petrifying shock as the bag entered another's hands.

You are so talented. SO talented. To write something where it not only seen, but I love you. Keep producing these amazing pieces of art. :)
Sarah said…
Amber you're beautiful and wonderful and crazy amazing. I love you!

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