Update on life!

God does some weird things. Sometimes we need to step back and then take a step to fallow him in trust and faith.

There you go. That sums up my life right about now! lol

Well I'm going to Beauty school now. I thought I was going there to learn to make people look good and feel good about themselves. Okay ya but there is so much more to it than that!

At school about half of the people I'm with and talking to all day work night jobs and "gentleman's clubs". Most of the girls are already moms. Most of them no older than me. So so much pain. So much gossip. So much hiding. Hurt. Lost. Confused. Searching.

I know now that God has placed me there to be a light. Maybe I'll never get to be a "witness" to any of them but I can live in light and not judge and love them all... sometimes that's the best we can do. Though if God opens the door I'll jump and do a handspring (gymnast at heart still!) through and give it my all. These girls are all trying to make a better life for themselves and kids. They are so so strong and smart. I really respect them.

Saying that, it has been hard to go from a strict homeschool environment to a very open "free" way of looking at life. I have had to leave class because of movies showing. Stand there and wrapping perms praying for the girls around me listing to their stories. Keep my mouth shut even when I have so so much to say. Answer questions on why I wear a ring on my left hand and am not engaged (purity ring just in case you didn't know :D). I got in trouble for talking about church and politics.

I have felt so so alone and trapped in a world where I didn't fit in or have any support. I did hunt down a couple christian girls who I love dearly :) but it's still not like we can even talk about anything that really matters in life. lol No wonder people think hairstylists are air heads! They are all to afraid to offend some one to share anything smart! Sigh. lol

One story really fast before I fall asleep! one of my favorite educators told this to us in class...

There was a Salon owner. One day about two min till close one day a lady came in asking for a hair cut, it was late and none of the stylists wanted to take her. So the owner took her back to a chair herself.

She noticed when the Lady walked in that she was kinda out of it, not looking anyone in the eye, giving yes and no answers to everything, slouching in the chair. The owner talked to the lady and tried to get her to loosen up a little and give her a hair style that would make her feel good abouy herself. She also asked the lady about her life and just anything she could do to keep the lady talking. She didn't learn much about the lady but an hour later the guest walked out of the store with a smile on her face. The owner saw that she was talking more and looking her in the eye more and standing up straight.

The owner closed up and moved on with life but still wondering about the lady that seemed so down.

A few days later the lady called and told her she wanted to thank her. Because she was planning on killing herself that night. The fact that the owner stayed open late just for her and spent a whole hour showing she was important and beautiful changed how she looked at life and decided to give living another go.

Yes our job goes way beyond hair. You never know who might be sitting in your chair and the chance you have to change a life. Just as important as a politician or a musician thank you very much ;)


Overflow said…
Your new job often reminds me of our duo. Haha, we used to sit there forever and try to come up with a moral of why the heck hair matters! :P

And here you are. Making a difference. Maybe subtle at first, but you can definitely have an impact!

I've been pretty down, as you know, but the day you did my hair was such a fun day! Getting to feel light and cute like an oopma-loompa, and getting to talk for forever and connect with someone made me feel really, really good.

I love you. Keep it up. :)
Kiki Marie said…
hey girl! just fyi i am going to give your info at my discpleship group. just thought i would let you know so if you get a bunch of calls from people you don't know. (cough cough if you know who comes in you must call me so i can just *magically* show up there as well :) ha ha ha... note the sarcastic tone)

disclaimer: for any guy reading this don't bothering reading the last part here for you will be bored out of your mind.

i am going to try to make an apointment soon, but my schedule is a little hectic for a while. once my hair grows a bit more though i am coming to see you for a perm :D how exciting huh? at the rate my seems to be growing i am thinking it won't be long from now. what do you think? maybe even highlights. i don't know though. my hair has never been died or permed for that matter so i do not want to put it into chemical shock. :P

well i will text you soon for i have somthing funny to share with you. love ya!
Sarah said…
Amber it was such a blessing to spend that time with you and see you smile and catch up with you. It was great! Thank you for beliving in me! you have no idea how much that means to me! I LOVE YOU!!

HA HA my little dreamer. Yoou make me smile and laugh ;) I say let's go for it!!! and you're coming in soon for that mani ;)I can't wait!! lol
Love ya!
Kiki Marie said…
I LOVED being pampered by you! With all that is going on in my life it was a very needed break from the stress of everything. Thanks for being there for me and just letting me babble on like I was the only person out there. *sigh* Can I come see you everyday? I forgot to text you the really funny thing and I just now remembered so I'll just post it here. Maybe you will laugh too.

So I helped run a hey ride with my Discipleship group sometime in October. Well guess who showed up chewing a straw, EXACTLY like I chew straws I must mention. None other than him. It made me feel better knowing that I am not alone in this past-time of stupidity. (Although I have to admit that he probably looks more attractive than I do.)

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