Living in The Moment

Seth and Ashlynn and Austin and Me
~Prom 2009
So prom was this week end, my senior prom, my last, my most amazing prom.~Prom 2009
I now have a boyfriend (guess the Wanted add worked ;P ) and he is one of the sweetest most amazing guys I know. God has used him to let me learn so many things but this one stands out right now... To live in the moment... no be so worried about tomorrow that you can't be happy or sad in today.
Sometimes things are so up and down around my house. One min everything will be fine and everyone is happy then something happens, big or small, and it's a mess. Whether it's Seth hitting Sam a little to hard or Dad stressed because we have no money in the bank. So there for a while I found I was more happy just not being at home as much. Don't get me wrong I love my family but something wasn't working for me. I figured out that it's all the stress, the random, uncertainties of everyday life. So I would run away rather than feel anything.
But that's not healthy.
God gives us these ups and downs so we can live them and experience all the emotions that comes along with it... When you're happy be happy. When you're sad be sad. Then let go and move on to the next unpredictable moment.
Ashley and Amber and I went to the mall today with five dollars in each of our hands to seek out the cheap treasures. Lol (we did pretty good btw) As we were walking I saw a pair of jeans that were light blue and had bleached cloud looking places on them, it looked like a pretty blue sky scene. But they had rips in them. Big ones. (While I LOVE this style it is not always looked well upon.) I looked at the girls and I was like it's Ripping Clouds! Amber said it was like God playing Peak a boo! lol Dad and Austin just thought of when Jesus returns. While Ash just couldn't get over the fact that you can't rip clouds. lol
As I thought more about what it could mean this is what I thought of... If we look close we see all the rips places and lose strings if our life. But when we step back we see the beauty of the sky that's around it... and the other way also, we can stare at the clouds all the time but that could get boring. But when we step back we see a beautiful balance of the two.... and a really cute pair of jeans!
Take the time to enjoy the rips and tares and clouds and sky in your life and not always be thinking about how long those jeans are really going to last. ;P
"For I know the plans I have for you," Declares the LORD, " Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
Jeremiah 29:11
And I'm going to miss you SO much next year! Not to mention U've kinda been like a sister to me these past few yearz, and its no coincidence ppl at chick-fil-a thought we were sisters and often got us confused for one another ;)
That can't happen anymore w/your short hair!
But besides that thank you for being there always w/a smile on your face, i'm really gonna miss it (believe me)
I'm really glad I did. I remember that day, especially since it wasn't all too long ago, but thank you. Lately I have been kinda down while at home. I usually stay in my room as much as possible because there I don't have to deal with things as much.
When I get upset, I want to *be* upset. I want the right to feel what I feel. Same with any other emotion. In my room I can let it all out without causing more damage to others, but that doesn't mean I should stay up here always. And I must say, certain things have made my emotional levels high lately, so to read your post today was very good for me. Thank you Beautiful.
I love you. :)
Thank you so much for always being there to be my little sister. I can't tell you what it has meant to have you always there to randomly text, laugh with, and talk to.
Gosh girl! I'm not dead, just graduating! ;P I'll still be around :)I LOVE YOU!
Amber Dear,
I know how you feel, we seem to deal with the same emotional things at the same time without knowing it. But I'm glad I have someone that understands :)
It blesses me so much that you check in on the blog here and there and it actually means something to you :) I would keep writing if for no other reason but for you. :) I love you!
Live in the moment love. Life is so much lighter when you do. :)