This is a Want Ad written by Ashley and Me. It was inspired by the song "Want Ads" by Honey Cone. Enjoy!
Wanted: Two young men (contact for age requirements.) Handsome is preferable. MUST be able to carry on intelligent conversation! The ability to play an instrument or sing is recommended. Must not be a pansy. Knights in shining armor are frowned upon, but princes are acceptable if they are similar to Aragorn. Facial hair will be decided upon in a case-by-case basis. Once again, he must be smart. The ability to entertain or make us laugh will be a deciding factor. He must be able to handle strong headed women. Cooking is a talent he must possess. He must be passionate about hockey an love converse. Finally. above all else, he MUST love God.
Applications are now available; contact if interested.
Wimps need not apply.
Wanted: Two young men (contact for age requirements.) Handsome is preferable. MUST be able to carry on intelligent conversation! The ability to play an instrument or sing is recommended. Must not be a pansy. Knights in shining armor are frowned upon, but princes are acceptable if they are similar to Aragorn. Facial hair will be decided upon in a case-by-case basis. Once again, he must be smart. The ability to entertain or make us laugh will be a deciding factor. He must be able to handle strong headed women. Cooking is a talent he must possess. He must be passionate about hockey an love converse. Finally. above all else, he MUST love God.
Applications are now available; contact if interested.
Wimps need not apply.
~Cecelia Dowdy~