Hiding in the dark,
With light all around.
People smiling, laughing, talking,
I can't cope with it now.

Beating myself up,
Tormenting voices in my head.
Pain Stuck,
Unable to move.

So sorry for all I have done,
Regretting for the first time.
Regret not for me,
For you.

I can live with anything,
As long as you're okay.
I'll live with it,
If even just barly.

I've been dying for a long time,
Now it is finished.
No way left to cope with pain,
At least none with logic.

A simple cut,
Maybe a drink.
A simple gag,
Maybe just a gun.

To make it all go away,
So I can simply just be.
I have nothing left,
Nothing to push foward with.

God, I have sacrficed all for you!
Don't you see that?
I try to see the blessings,
But do you see the pain?

God! I need you,
To hold me.
Take my pain,
All of it I give to you.

So I can live my life,
I give it to you.
To keep and hold,
To put together when broken.



Ashley said…
Sarah, I don't really know what to say dear except for I love you. A lot.
Sarah said…
That's all I need. I love you!

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