The best mom ever

Ya that's right! My mom is the best! What other mom do you know that will spend hours reading books about cutting and eating disorders just to protect me from the things I have struggled with? So fully comitted to helping me do what I know God has called me to. I wish everyone had a mom like me! I can't wait to share my speeches with you when this season is over!

YOU'RE THE BEST MOM..... I know I know back to working on my OO. ;-)


Anonymous said…
Sarah, you do have one of the best moms! no lie! and i CAN'T WAIT to hear ur OO! it's going to be spactabulous!

-Morgan P. :D
Paula said…
Wow! I didn't know you posted this! Thanks for the encouragement. You are such a blessing, Sarah Girl.

I came over here because I was thinking about who you are. Your name, Princess, Dedicated to God, fits you so well. And I wanted to tell you that. Your recent choices show that you live out the meaning of your name. You are dedicated to God. Even when what He asks of you makes you sad. Even when what He asks of you wouldn't be the easiest route. Your live out that dedication.

You know, we didn't have that part of your name chosen when you were born. We labored over it, the line on your birth certificate form empty for some time. But I believe it was God-ordained. That name was part of who God was creating you to be. Dedicated to Him.

You're a normal young woman who faces many of the normal struggles I wish I could shield you from. But I see your dedication to God and that gives me the courage to let you have your own journey as HE shapes you. I'm so proud of you. And what a vision you had for that OI. I think it rocks. I'm honored you let me be a part of your process for it and I pray God will speak through you and encourage you as your present it this season.

As always, I'm proud of you, daughter of my heart.

Oh--and I love you, too, Morgan! Thanks for your sweet words. You are a young woman of grace, a calm in the turbulence of the teen world, a heart after HIM.

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