
You are tall,
He is short.
She is skinny,
You are not.

You have acne,
Her face glows.
He has hott clothes,
Your's are so last year.

You are shy,
She is at the center.
He has a beautiful girlfriend,
You can't seem to catch anyones eye.

You are different,
That's ok.
Why does it mater so much that we are not all the same?
It's what's on the inside that counts.

What God thinks about you is what matters,
You are beautiful in his eyes.
Even if you don't see it,
He does.

Drink in your life!
Be unique and different!


Mander said…
Wow Sarah! That really touched me. I have had thoughts JUST like that many times. What you said is SO true. Being yourself is really important. :)
Kiki Marie said…
ouch! okay you got me! stop being someone you are not! that is such a ouchie message it is not even funny!

do you mind if i print out one of your peoms for shawn?
Sarah said…
Hey phoebe.... who are you? lol but I liked what you had to say! we all are like that at one point or another,,, I wrote that a long time ago but ya it made since to me :)

Hang in there girl! you're doing great!

No that's totally fine! what one? and might I ask why?

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