1. I LOVEEEEEE to read

2. Some of my best friends I haven't seen in like FOREVER! Yet they are still awesome friends!

3. OMG! I love being single!

4. I hope to be a gymnastics coach some day

5. Acting is one of my passions

6. I have never really kissed a guy (or a girl.... lol)

7. I'm really running out of ideas for my blog! so if you have any let me know!

8. I reallllly love working fast food... idk why!?!?! it's sooo weird but I love it!

9. I went to home coming at a a school this year

10. I'm working back hand springs ON the beam AHHHH!!!!! *PRAY* lol

11. I love my car!!!!

12. Gerber Daisys are like my favorite flower!

13. I love blue hair!!

14. I have a secret world I go to and I don't think I will ever tell any one about it!

15. My berth stone is a purple!!!! how did that on happen!?

16.I LOVE MY GYMNASTICS COACH! I wish all of you knew her you would love her too!

17. I love my gymnastics team!!!! They are some of the coolest people I know!!!! you all would love them too!

18. I have started writing poetry, if you couldn't tell lol , and I'm not that bad at it!!! lol

19. I'm getting an A in math!!!!! this is amazing!!!!!

20. I think I look pretty hott with the surfer look... tehehe

21. I'm talking to guys now!!! lol and they are awesome friends!

22. I really miss the people that graduated last year..... like REALLY miss them

ya I think that's it I need to go do some math before I go to bed... lol so ya!!!! love you all!


Niki said…
More random facts about you:

You are the BEST babysitter ever!
Your energy is conatgious!
You're a great sister and daughter!
You're a great friend!
You have confidence and that's paramount in this life!
You're very talented in many areas of life...not just gymnastics and drama.
You have the gift of encouragement.
You Rock! :)
*Whitney* said…
Sarah that was awesome!!!
but what do you mean when you say you never REALLY kissed a guy lol?
Kiki Marie said…
I Have not kissed a guy either!!! um you could add a poll!!!! when you click on customize click on template then click on add a page element then click on poll. the rest is up to you girly!!! oh by the way you are an AWESOME friend!!!! kepp it up!!!
Sarah said…
wow miss niki!!!! thnaks!!! *sniff* Idk what to say abut thanks that meant a lot to me!!!!
Sarah said…
never really kissed a guy means that I had a dare once to kiss this guy but I was lik between 5-8 and I had no clue what I was doing so that's what I mean.... I don't count that so I'm wating for my first kiss still ;) lol
Sarah said…
really?!?! *HIGH 5* gf! lol

humm well I'll see if yI can figer that out because that would be awesome!
Paula said…
You are also a leader and one of the most loyal friend's and secret keepers I've met. And you are just fun to be around. My favorite word for you is DELIGHTFUL!

Hey--which color of Gerber Daisies is your favorite?

I've got an idea for your blog. How about I ask you interview questions and you answer them? I've interviewed a bazillion people, but you're still my favorite gal, so--I should interview you!
*Whitney* said…
Hey Sarah do you get to see who voted for what on the little quiz things?
anyway Yeah it doesn't matter cuz you know the only guy I've kissed lol..... yeah.
Sarah said…
okieday!!! lol that sounds fun :P

and I think my fav color is ether the pink or the orange color :)

and whitney---- uhhhh I'm not sure yet... lol I dont' think so I'll look it over it and let you if it's different :)
*Whitney* said…
Gzzzz Sarah you have allot of peeps on here who have not kissed guys lol Just observing (sorry I'll shut up now)
Unknown said…
i think i'm the first guy to post on this... I think it is because i'm really bored and i've never kissed a guy and dont plan to and ive also never kissed a girl lol (i must be bored)
Sarah said…
Ya I know it's pretty "homeschooled" then.... lol

Haha lol fine then I'm just here to keep you from being board.... gee thanks! lol

but I'm very glad you have never kissed a guy!
Unknown said…
Ugh! Jon totally stole my joke! I was gonna be like "Hey I never kissed a guy either!" but then Jon had to say it first! >:(
Sarah said…
lol! well I'm sorry josh... that's sad! but I'm very glad you haven't kissed a guy either!!! lol you guys make me laugh!
Unknown said…
Were just cool like that! ;)
Sarah said…
LOL ya I would deff say that! :P

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