
Showing posts from June, 2007

10 things most people don't know about me! (stuppid and random mostly)

1~ I love hanging out with my m oms friends! 2~ When I was little and the Summer Olympics came o n I would go to my room and close the door and t ry to do back flips! ( it's a wonder I'm still alive!) 3~ I think ther e should be full contact football for girls! 4~ One of my favorite songs is Ama zing Grace 5~ I think my favorite color to paint my nails is BLACK! 6~ I love little kids s o much that I considered starting a day care when I got older 7~ I get REALLY shy around a bunch of new people when I don't have friends with m e ( I JUST found this one out at camp! lol) 8~ My brothers and I really do love each other even though we pretty much kill each other when we are around other people! 9~ One of my favorite books when I was li ttle was The Velveteen Rabbit 10~ I REALLY should be in bed right now! lol But I love my friends! And Jesus loves me! (wow talk about RANDOM !)


Ok I know a lot of you have heard me give this speech WAY to many times for it to mean anything but hey I thought I would post it and just let some other people see what they think! I personally LOVE this speech! It was kina funny the way that I wrote it.... It started out as a persuasive easy... but then I thought I would make it a wee bit longer and compete with it in speech. Also, at this time I was starting to feel like I needed to know what my boundries were with dating and stuff like that, But my dad being the "cool" guy he is wouldn't tell me! I started to find books and read books on my own about dating and relationships. Then I wrote THIS speech. When I was done I showed it to my mom and dad and they said "OK so you agree with everything you wrote?" I said "DUH!" (LOL) and they just said ok so do we :) I was like OK! So ya that is my "interesting" story for the day! lol but ya I love this speech! DATING DILEMMAS By Sarah Moldenhaue...


"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "They are plans for good and not disaster. to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 How many times have you heard this verse? Like 5 billllion! Ya I'm thinking so. But it really hasn't set in for me what it means, UNTIL I got asked if I wanted a college application.... I was like "what? uh? I'm not old enough for this! I'm just a kid!" Ya well as much as I wish that to be true sometimes.... IT'S NOT! I just turned 16, I can drive, have a car, go do what ever, and I'm like totally stoked! Then I start thinking that I'm going to have to do what I was saying I would do when I could drive... I have to find a job. Fun. It shouldn't be to bad, kinda nice to have something to do in the summer.. besides sports. So ya, I can grow up I can get a job and pay for my own stuff. OK cool I can deal with that. BUT COLLEGE?!!? Wow that one hit me. I mean I have known what I want ...


"Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change." A friend said that his football coach said this to him in his freshmen year. I see this really how we need to look at God and our relationship with him. Most people see God as a big all powerful thing way up in the sky controling everything. Yes, this is true but we also need to look at him as our best friend. He is the ONLY person that you can always talk to and that is allllllways there. Now you might be saying well my boyfriend or girlfriend is always there, or my best friend, or my mom or dad. STOP. I bet you can find AT LEAST one thing that you can't tell each of those people. There is a lot I don't tell my boyfriend, my best friend, and my parents. But no matter how far away I go I can always come back and God is there being the perfect psychologist. Now this might just sound amazing but I have grown up in the "perfect" family. Sure we have our struggles mostly with money and ya tha...

Church Camp

I went to a church camp this week. It was probably the most amazing week of my life! I went there not knowing anyone except the 3 adults that I traveled with. To sum it up, there were 500 high schoolers there and I was a weee bit nervous. I got there checked in to my dorm and met my room mates. they were both totally awesome! We hung out, met our group for the week, and tried to get to know people. The funny thing is we had the smallest group and the most counselors! It was pretty much amaZing! Over the week we went to 3 classes a day and chapel 2 times. I actually took notes in the classes! It was so cool I learned so much! At this camp, they worship with out any instruments! At first I was like, ok.... but after the first day I was so in love with it! One of the most impacting things that week was that I was in a room with 500 people my own age. We were ALL singing and worshiping God in 4 part harmony. I look around and I'm amazed that the guys are all singing just as much as the...