Living in The Moment

Seth and Ashlynn and Austin and Me ~Prom 2009 So prom was this week end, my senior prom, my last, my most amazing prom. I now have a boyfriend (guess the Wanted add worked ;P ) and he is one of the sweetest most amazing guys I know. God has used him to let me learn so many things but this one stands out right now... To live in the moment... no be so worried about tomorrow that you can't be happy or sad in today. Sometimes things are so up and down around my house. One min everything will be fine and everyone is happy then something happens, big or small, and it's a mess. Whether it's Seth hitting Sam a little to hard or Dad stressed because we have no money in the bank. So there for a while I found I was more happy just not being at home as much. Don't get me wrong I love my family but something wasn't working for me. I figured out that it's all the stress, the random, uncertainties of everyday life. So I would run away rather than feel anything. But that's ...