
Showing posts from July, 2011


Well I'm not sure if anyone besides my parents read this any more, but I figured it does no harm to keep saying what's on my mind :) This week has been CRAZY... and not so much in a good way either. If you're in Colorado you know that we have been getting random spurts of RAIN every day. I say RAIN because it's not been the "dancing in the rain romantic" rain. It's been the pulling down branches, soaked to the bone walking to the car, almost killing my poor baby apple tree kind of RAIN. Though not going to lie I did run with my family in the rain, saved that poor apple tree, and kissed my man out in the pouring rain. So there were some smiles in the storm. Just like the rain, the bad news has been flooding in around me. Tuesday- My first day back to work after the time off to go get David from Cali. I walk in and my Boss pulls me into her office. One of our most loved managers was in an almost fatal tubing accident over the weekend. She broke her face, jaw...

I am His

Are you... An outcast? Ostrisized? Laughed at? Do you... Have a story, No one could, Possibly understand? ARe you... Scarred by religion? Rejected by friends? Judged? Do you... Walk alone, Wishing someone, Would just hold your hand? Yes? Me Too. I walk in a world, Not aloud to show my colors, Crushed by those around me. My heart burns, To have you see, The truth I have found. But the fire, Is covered, Contained at every turn. Everyone aloud to speak, Everyone, Anyone, Except me. One word, And I am judged, Rejected. My heart full of Love, Love that is strong, Even when I'm not. My fire burns with grace, Acceptance of all, Forgiveness surrounding. Love and Grace. Grace contagious, Love healing. Yet at every turn, My heart hidden, My fire qwinched. Just like you, I am rejeceted, Made a joke of. Who can understand? Love in the raw, Grace all incompacing. To have something, Something to hold on to, Besides pride and hate. I am hidden in the shadows, Strong and silent, Silent... Silent n...