
Showing posts from July, 2009

What Guys Hate! (3. TALKING!)

What the guys said! "When girls talk about random nothings for hours at a time." "Gossip" "Calling other girls sluts beause they are prettier or have a better body than you" Pretty much in the words of Peter Pan "Girls talk to much!" Part 1. Randomly Talking An old proverb once said, "Do not speak unless you can improve the silence." I am a girl, I know how our minds work. Shiny! Sun! Hockey! Hair! Boys! Jump! Email! Flying! Time! Boys! Text! Bunny! Clouds! Ya.... guys don't laugh that took me about 10 seconds to come up with, its just how we think. Girls here is a test, have a guy read those random thoughts I garentee that all they will say is "wow" or "what the heck is she on?" lol Guys don't think this way, and it drives them crazy in abut 3 minutes. Going back to the last blog, unless you have something to say, in the words of Josiah, "You're prettier when you don't talk." Part 2. Goss...

What Guys Hate! (2. Drama Queens! x2)

Just have to say.... I just got a lap top! This is the first blog written on it! lol Okay Let's Just Jump In! This is what the guys said! "Really Clingy." "Self-exclusion just for attiontion." "Supper flirty" "Acting like their life is horible when it is really better than most" So what does this mean? DON'T BE A DRAMA QUEEN! There are two main ways to do this. 1. Being Clingy, and 2. Excluding yourself. Both of these thing are don for the same reason... to get as much attiontion as you can and have every one focused on you. Ouch. I know right? But seriously it's true. Yes we all do this in some form but we are only going to look at the top two the guys talked about. Part 1. Being Realy Clingy! Okay this goes for if you are dating the guy, if you just like him, if you are trying to get him to like you, or if you are even just friends! TEXTING!!!!!! I know I know guys are so much more fun to text than other girls, espechialy when we...

What Guys Hate! ( 1. Being what you're not 1&2)

Okay! Here it goes! I have been talking to some of my close guy friends and getting the top five things that drives them crazy! I got some really good answers, actually enough ideas to do 12 blogs! lol but I think I'll tie some together so I don't have to do that much. :) so here it goes! Ladies this is what the guys said! "Self counsous around others" "Being a ditz" "Pretending to be what their not for a guy" "Acting like their 10" "If you got it flaunt it, if you don't got it don't flaunt it" "Don't put on every kind of make up you own, we don't like it" So if this is what the guys said, and we all know we do one or more of these things all the time... What do we do about it? PART 1~ Pretending to be what your not for a guy We all do this every day. Some of us wake up and put on the mask for that day, every day may be different. Put on make-up to cover up the real you. Now I'm not saying make up...