
Showing posts from April, 2008


That was my friend, She was the star. I thought we'd be together to the end, I copied her hair, clothes, and someday her car. Now she is gone, I'm at a loss. Slowly it's starting to dawn, Now she's not here who's the boss? I look to see if anyone can give me the answer, Who could it be? It's not the debater, punk, or dancer, It's me. What are they thinking? Who am I to be in the spot light? Into what lie am I sinking? No, The're looking at me, not tomorrow, tonight! Oh what should I do? How should I dress? It scares me, this thing so new, My head is spinning into a mess. How can I be what they need? Maybe giving them love hope and light. I can leave behind a seed, Giving just enough courage to stand and fight. Learning when to be strong, How to say no. Learning when to move on, How to let go. Learning not to hand out hurt, Not to give what I was delt. Teaching the tine to stand up and assert, So the dams just melt. Life's rain, sun, sleet, or snow, ...


You are tall, He is short. She is skinny, You are not. You have acne, Her face glows. He has hott clothes, Your's are so last year. You are shy, She is at the center. He has a beautiful girlfriend, You can't seem to catch anyones eye. You are different, That's ok. Why does it mater so much that we are not all the same? It's what's on the inside that counts. What God thinks about you is what matters, You are beautiful in his eyes. Even if you don't see it, He does. Drink in your life! Be unique and different!

Black Eye

So for Seth's 15th birthday he chose to take me snowboarding for my gift to him. Some present hu?!?!? Well as the day drew closer I was dreading it more and more! I was tiered! I was sooo out of shape! Didn't have time to play! But this is what my little brother wanted for his birthday.... and me being broke that was the best I could do... for now ;) So I went. We ended up taking one of Seth and my best friends, Caleb. We got there got our rentals... bla bla bla. I was a little more confedent than I should have been. "I'm a gymnast! I have good control of my body! Good ballance!" HAHAHAHAHA wow yes this is all true.... I thought I would start out on the bunny hill even though I felt stupid doing that, the fact that I had never been before made it make since. I stood up ready to go... I fell on my butt. For the first of what would be COUNTLESS times that day. I was starting to fall every 10 feet rather than every 3, therefore Seth and Caleb decided that it was tim...